The conference organizers appreciated the nearly 100 thought-leaders that participated in the Governance and Regulation in the Electricity Sector: Balancing Independence with Accountability event. The conference was presented in partnership with the Council for Clean & Reliable Energy, the Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario, and the Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy, University of Waterloo.
The intent of the conference was to look for opportunities to improve governance of crown corporations and regulatory agencies related to the electricity industry. As governments across Canada become increasingly involved in energy matters, broader demands are being placed on public agencies of all types, including regulators and utilities who are in the front line of implementing government policy yet who often have governance structures defined more narrowly to meet yesterday’s needs.
The presentations and public debate that occurred during the conference provided critical insight into the initiatives and next steps planned by the organizers. A Draft Policy Paper, a factual Summary Report on the preceedings prepared by University of Western Professor Adam Fremeth, and a Final Report prepared by Professor Guy Holburn, Director, Energy at Ivey, University of Western Ontario.
We welcome your review of the presentations and materials presented at the conference.

Council for Clean & Reliable Energy

Ivey Business School, University of Western Ontario

Keynote Speaker

Editor and Columnist
The Financial Post
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Panel Presentations
Governance of Regulatory Agencies
Regulatory Governance and Policy Risk – Attracting Private Investment in Renewable Energy: Prof. Guy Holburn, Richard Ivey Business School, University of Western Ontario (PDF)
Role of the Ontario Energy Board in the Regulation of the Electricity Sector – Speaker’s Notes: Robert Warren, Partner, WeirFould LLP (PDF)
Academic Perspectives
Academic Profile: Prof. Guy L.F. Holburn, Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario (PDF)
Governance, Governance, Governance: Len Waverman, Dean, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary (PDF)
Electricity Sector Governance in the UK: George Yarrow, Chairman, Regulatory Policy Institute and Emeritus Fellow, Hartford College, Oxford University (PDF)
Lessons from International Experience
Governance and Electricity – International Experience: Jeff Makholm, EVP, NERA Consultants (PDF)
ISO-New England Governance Structure: Roberta Brown, Board Member, IESO (Ontario) and ISO-NE (New England) (PDF)
Governance of State-Owned Utilities
EPCOR Supportive Governance Model: Don Lowry, President and CEO, EPCOR Utilities Inc. (PDF)
Panel Discussion: Policy Report and Future Research
Concluding Panel Session: Objective, Structure and Questions (PDF)
Conference Initiatives and Next Steps (PDF)
Guidelines for Governance of the Electricity Sector in Canada – Final Report: January 2011(PDF)
Governance and Regulation in the Electricity Sector – Summary Report: July 27, 2010(PDF)
OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises: Donald Johnson, Secretary-General(PDF)
Journal of Policy Engagement (Vol. 2, No. 2) – A rational framework for electricity policy: Jan Carr, PhD, P.Eng, April 2010(PDF)
Policy Risk and Private Investment in Ontario’s Wind Power Sector: Prof. Guy Holburn, University of Western Ontario, Keri Lui, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, Charles Morand, Business Development Bank of Canada, March 15, 2010 (PDF)
Toronto Star: Rush to renewables could increase electricity costs: John Spears, Business Reporter, April 6, 2010 (PDF)
Overview of the Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy (WISE) (PDF)