The Future of Coal in Ontario?
Towards a Clean, Secure and Competitive Energy Portfolio

May 10, 2007

Toronto, Ontario

The Future of Coal in Ontario

Hydrocarbons or fossil fuels, oil, coal, and natural gas, represent 80% of the world’s total primary energy supply (all hydrocarbons plus nuclear and all renewable energy combined). Since 1850, the world has grown extraordinarily wealthy on their use. In fact, per capita income to-day is closely correlated with per capita energy use.

Unfortunately, hydrocarbons also account for 80% of the global greenhouse gas production and most of the localized air pollutants which, depending on their concentrations, can impair human health. Yet the global demand for fossil energy is expected to continue to grow. Even with an astonishingly huge projected growth in some renewable energy sources (for example, wind) fossil fuels are projected to supply 81% of all global primary energy use by 2030.

Coal has a central role to play in all of this. It currently accounts for 25% of the world’s total primary energy supply and 40.9% of world electricity generation; and coal represents 59% of the remaining available energy from the world’s hydrocarbon reserves. Accordingly, coal is forecast by a US government agency to be the fastest growing global fuel source through 2030. Its share of world primary energy use is expected to rise to 26.0% of total energy and 41.5% of electricity production by 2030.

This conference explored the future of coal in Ontario, the policies affecting its continued use as part of the long-term energy supply mix, and coal use as a huge global energy supply source accompanied by technological advancements leading to solutions for clean coal technology.

Glen Wright
Glen Wright, Chair
Council for Clean & Reliable Energy
Sean Conway
Sean Conway, Conference Chair Queen's University

Agenda and Presenters

Conference Summary Report

Press Release

Globe and Mail News | Bryne Purchase January 31, 2007

Keynote Speaker

Thomas Homer-Dixon, Director
Trudeau Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies,
University of Toronto

Keynote Presentation

Panel Presentations

Environmental and Security of Supply Considerations
Energy Supply/Demand Trends and Forecasts – Implications for a Sustainable Energy Future in Canada and the World (including Ontario): J. David Hughes, Geological Survey of Canada (PDF)
Coal in the US: Kenneth Markel, US Department of Energy, Fossil Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory (PDF)

A “Coal Exit” Policy: Operational Considerations
The Case for Keeping Ontario’s Coal-fired Power Plants: Ross McKitrick, Associate Professor of Economics, University of Guelph (PDF)
Cleaning Up Coals Act: Tom Adams, Energy Probe (PDF)

Aternative Strategies: Emissions Pricing
Pricing Ontario’s Coal Emissions: Don Dewees, Department of Economics, University of Torono (PDF)
Emissions Pricing – Some Implementation Issues: Ross McKitrick, Associate Professor of Economics, University of Guelph (PDF)
Emissions Pricing – Reframing Coal and Climate Policy in Ontario: Stephen Hill, Environmental and Resource Studies, Trent University (PDF)

Alternative Strategies: Next Generation Technologies
Coal, Wind, and Nuclear – Trade-offs and Options in Ontario: David Keith, Director, Energy and Environmental Systems Group, Institute for Sustainable Energy, Environment and Economy, University of Calgary (PDF)
Future of Coal – Emissions, Energy, Fuels, and Chemicals: David Bayless, Director, Ohio Coal Research Centre (PDF)
Biomass as an Alternative for Coal in Ontario: David Layzell, Professor and Research Chair, Department of Biology and Institute for Energy and Environmental Policy, Queen’s University, President and CEO, BIOCAP Canada Foundation (PDF)


Event Supporters


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