2024 CCRE Energy Leaders Roundtable Orangeville, Ontario

CCRE Annual Energy Leaders Roundtable. October 16 to 18, 2024 at Hockley Valley Resort in Orangeville, Ontario

The Council for Clean and Reliable Energy and its partners welcomed leaders in the energy sector to the 2024 CCRE Energy Leaders Roundtable held in Orangeville, Ontario. The Roundtable built on its long-term success by delivering several keynote addresses and expert panels introduced by brief presentations at the beginning of each session organized around a variety of timely and important topics.

As a broad and inclusive organization, with a governance and policy mandate, the Council hosted this Roundtable with the theme “Energy Transition: Is there a plan?” focused its keynote addresses and presentations around this topic. 

Policies related to climate and environmental targets have been established by the federal, provincial and municipal governments across Canada, but is there a realistic plan to achieve a clean and reliable energy transition? How can existing energy infrastructure be optimized over the transition period to meet growing energy demand? What are the technologies needed to fill energy supply resource gaps? Are Canadian governments, at all levels, willing to collaborate to achieve established climate and environmental targets?

The event organizers and participants express their appreciation to Scott Lee, former Chief of the Nawash First Nation for bringing his wisdom on relationships and partnerships to open the Roundtable.

We were pleased to have had the Deputy Mayor Jennifer McKelvie, City of Toronto, Chris Benedetti, Managing Director, Sussex Strategy Group, and Greg Lyle, President, Innovative Research Group deliver keynote addresses.

The keynote addresses and presentations included the following sessions:

  • Goals and Ambitions Around the Clean Energy Transition: What is the role of municipal governments and what is Toronto’s transition plan?
  • Taking into account the scope of the challenge across Canada: What is the chance for achieving transition success?
  • Leveraging Existing Proven Technologies to Address the Transition Supply Gap
  • Emerging Technologies Needed to Address the Transition Supply Gap
  • The Challenge of Financing Distribution New Build
  • Capacity Building in Indigenous Communities
  • Achieving Climate and Environmental Targets: Are all levels of government and the public able to align on a transition plan?
  • Politics and the Energy Sector: The politics of collaboration

The Council is a group of volunteers who have an interest in promoting open debate about energy issues. We do not represent a particular interest group and attempt to bring together a broad range of stakeholders who share an interest in promoting good governance and public policy for Canada’s energy sector. The Council remains committed to continuing to facilitate these important conversations and helping to shape the dialogue on energy policy for the benefit of all Canadians.

Glen Wright
Glen Wright, Chair
Council for Clean & Reliable Energy
Carla Carmichael
Carla Carmichael
Roundtable Co-Chair
Director, Ontario Energy Board
Terry Young
Terry Young
Roundtable Co-Chair
Chair, GrandBridge Energy

Welcome Message


Keynote Speakers

Jennifer McKelvie
Jennifer McKelvie
Deputy Mayor
City of Toronto
Chris Benedetti
Managing Partner
Sussex Strategy Group
Greg Lyle
Innovative Research Group


Thank you to our Speakers and Presenters

As an expression of appreciation to the Roundtable speakers and presenters, the CCRE has donated to the Bruce Trail. The Bruce Trail is a hiking trail in southern Ontario, Canada, from the Niagara River to the tip of Tobermory, Ontario. The main trail is more than 890 kilometers long and there are over 400 kilometers of associated side trails.


CCRE Council for Clean & Reliable Energy
Ivey Energy and Policy Management Centre
Bruce Power-Innovation at Work
Innovative Research Group
Growling WLG
Makwa Development
Power Workers' Union


Penticton, British Columbia

2019 CCRE Energy Leaders Roundtable Penticton, British Columbia

The Council for Clean and Reliable Energy and its partners welcomed leaders in the energy sector to the 2019 CCRE Energy Leaders Roundtable held in Penticton, British Columbia. The event brought together leaders for an open dialogue, a candid exchange of views, and networking. The keynote addresses and panel presentations included sessions on the following:

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CCRE 2018 Kananaskis Annual Energy Leaders Roundtable

2018 CCRE Kananaskis Annual Energy Leaders Roundtable

The Council for Clean and Reliable Energy and its partners welcomed executive thought leaders in the energy sector to the inaugural western Canada event held in Kananaskis, Alberta. This event gathered expert keynote and high caliber speakers, along with leaders in the energy industry for brief presentations providing the opportunity for open dialogue, a candid

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