The Council for Clean and Reliable Energy and its partners welcomed leaders in the energy sector to the 2022 CCRE Energy Leaders Roundtable held in Hockley Valley, Ontario. The Roundtable built on its 8-year success by delivering several keynote addresses and expert panels introduced by brief presentations at the beginning of each session organized around a variety of timely and important topics.
From the perspective of the CCRE, there does not yet appear to be an obvious solution to Canada’s energy policy dilemma or a defined road to identify common ground for moving forward Toward a National Energy Vision for Canada. This topic continues to remain top of mind as collaboration on infrastructure development, the economy, decarbonization and reaching our climate goals remains critical.
As a broad and inclusive organization, with a governance and policy mandate, the Council hosted this Roundtable with the theme “Toward a National Energy Vision for Canada” focusing its keynote addresses and presentations around this topic.
We were pleased to have had Peter Fraser, Directorate of Energy Markets and Security, International Energy Agency, Susan McGeachie, Head, BMO Climate Institute, Greg Lyle, President, Innovative Research Group, Michael Rencheck, President and CEO, Bruce Power deliver keynote addresses.
The keynote addresses and presentations included the following sessions:
- The Difference Between Aspirational Goals and Reality – the global energy perspective
- Why is there not a unified view of energy? and, what is it that we are going to do to get a unified view of energy?
- The Tricky Work of Creating Consensus – Moving from Vision to Action
- Nuclear – the core of a low-carbon energy future
- Electrifying the Country – The Emperor Has No Clothes
- Evolution of the 2023 World Petroleum Congress Them – Energy Transition: The Path to Net Zero
- Lost in Translation – Transition Period, Energy Self-Sufficiency, and Canada’s Role in Reducing GHG Emissions Globally
- Exploring the role of Canada’s leading financial institutions in the quest to achieve Net Zero 2050
- Special Panel from Canada – Mexico – USA
- Politics and the Energy Sector
The Council is a group of volunteers who have an interest in promoting open debate about energy issues. We do not represent a particular interest group and attempt to bring together a broad range of stakeholders who share an interest in promoting good governance and public policy for Canada’s energy sector. The Council remains committed to continuing to facilitate these important conversations and helping to shape the dialogue on energy policy for the benefit of all Canadians.
Keynote Speakers
Keynote Presentations
The Difference Between Aspirational Goals and Reality – the global energy perspective: Peter Fraser, Directorate of Energy Markets and Security, International Energy Agency (PDF)
Will Canadians support turning talk of Decarbonization into Action? Greg Lyle, President, Innovative Research Group (PDF)
Nuclear – the core of a low-carbon energy future: Michael Rencheck, President & CEO, Bruce Power (PDF)
About Bruce Power (Video)
BMO Climate Institute – Harnessing the experience of private capital to shape Canada’s energy transition and unlock solutions: Susan McGeachie, Head, BMO Climate Institute (PDF)
Panel Presentations
The Tricky Work of Creating Consensus – Moving from Vision to Action
The Integrated North American Grid, Transmission Interconnections, and Electricity Imports and Exports by Region: Christiane Bergevin, Senior Advisor, Power, Utilities and Sustainable Development, Roland Berger Canada (PDF)
Electrifying the Country – The Emperor Has No Clothes
Case Study in Informing a National Energy Vision: Ontario Decarbonization and Implications for Quebec and Canada: Marc Brouillette, Principal Consultant, Strategic Policy Economics (PDF)
Electrifying the Country: Canada Does Have a Head Start: Peter Fraser, Directorate of Energy Markets and Security, International Energy Agency (PDF)
Evolution of the 2023 World Petroleum Congress Theme
Energy Transition: The Path to Net Zero: J. Dean Tucker, Vice Chair of the Board, World Petroleum Council Canada (PDF)
Lost in Translation – Transition Period, Energy Self-Sufficiency, and Canada’s Role in Reducing GHG Emissions Globally
Lost in Translation: Dennis McConaghy, former Executive Vice-President Corporate Development, TransCanada Corporation (PDF)
Current Clean Energy Projects with Indigenous Equity Participation: Niilo Edwards, Executive Director, First Nations Major Projects Coalition(PDF)
Lost in Translation – Enbridge’s Approach: Michelle George, Vice President New Energy Technologies, Enbridge (PDF)
Politics and the Energy Sector
US Political Partisanship – Correlation with Failure to Introduce and Pass Legislation (PDF)
Politics and the Energy Sector: What does that mean for the Fort Nelson First Nation? Chief Sharleen Gale, First Nations Major Coalition Project (PPT)
Background Documents
As an expression of appreciation to the Roundtable speakers and presenters, the CCRE has donated to the Bruce Trail. The Bruce Trail is a hiking trail in southern Ontario, Canada, from the Niagara River to the tip of Tobermory, Ontario. The main trail is more than 890 km long and there are over 400 km of associated side trails.